Monday, April 03, 2006

A few questions with ... Shauna Lehman

Just a few questions with our super-star, senior, library student assistant ... Shauna!

1. What's your year, major and hometown?
I'm a senior, a Business Admin and Astronomy double major, and I'm from the small town of Orwigsburg, PA.

2. How long have you worked at the library?
I have worked at the library for 4 years.

3. What do you enjoy about working at the library?
The staff!! The staff here really is excellent. They're so down-to-earth and willing to help however they can - and fun!

4. What was the last book that you read just for pleasure?
"Undead and Unwed" by Mary Janice Davidson.

5. If you were to write a book, what would its title be?
"Noncommital - The Difficulties of Wanting It All"

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