Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gag order

Ben was bound and gagged yesterday, presumably to celebrate President's Day. Of course Franklin was covered with "John Marshall is my homeboy, so I guess poor John was (once again) feeling slighted by Ben's outsized notoriety!

More snow pictures.

Addendum: As it turns out this was an administrative prank. Sure wish I was there whilst Burness was snickering over plastic and green tape. Who knows, maybe this is the beginning of (any?) tradition at F&M.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

I've been working on the railroad...

I am REALLY going to miss the rusty, old Armstrong bridge when the Norfolk rails are finally moved, uniting north and south.

If you like to watch moving and installing rails, this video is fascinating, if not mesmerizing... http://bit.ly/h83jtW