Very busy winter break with a cruise to the Bahamas, and another CRA hurricane relief trip to Galveston. Have to say, we really missed Bermuda. It was good to work with old and new friends in Galveston. Not sure yet where the next CRA trip will take us.
I'm sort of looking forward to the routine of a new term. I had considered team-teaching a class, but there doesn't seem to be the time. Instead, I will concentrate on hosting a library conference here at F&M in June. Quite a challenge really. Could involve 2 to 3 other libraries, and the active participation of our ILS vendor, SirsiDynix.
Already I'm thinking about summer! Might wedge another cruise into May. There was talk about a return to China, but with another Vivace festival in July and the Endless Mountain Music Festival in August, there doesn't seem to be enough days to go abroad. My pref would be to skip China for a possible trip to Germany & Switzerland.
Of course all of this is music related. Someday we will travel without working!
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