Thursday, November 11, 2010

Noisy Neighbor


For so many months Old Main has sounded with clinks and clanks and BANGS, as workers dismantled and remantled the tower.

But today we have finally arrived at the Great Unveiling. Click on the picture above for more photos.

Now perhaps we will return to peace & quiet.


Anonymous said...

the old main finished its construction long before i was aware of it. some day when I past by the buiding and found all the construction were gone.
It took me 5 seconds to accept something seem never can be done, was actually done...

Ask Andy said...
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Ask Andy said...

It took a good month to setup the construction site, but only took a few days to take it all down. I guess that's the difference between kinetic and potential energy (or the difference between getting paid and getting fined for overdue work!).