Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Sincere Apology

I have been meaning to say this for awhile; and now that it's spring break and I've had some time to catch up on sleep (and episodes of Greek) after a rigorous week of (typical) F&M midterms, I must post a most sincere apology.

If you've known me at all the last 3.75 years, you know that I love working the closing shift at the Shad-Fack on Saturday evenings. I really do enjoy doing the closing rounds: walking through the library, turning off lights, and pushing in chairs from approximately 9:20PM - 9:45PM. I used to get scared walking through the stacks (c'mon, it is dark, quiet, and spooky), but then I loaded a "Closing the Library" playlist onto my iPod. It's full of lively, happy music that makes me want to sing along and dance.

Last Saturday, while pushing in the vacant chairs on the Mezzanine, I must have forgotten where I was, and did start humming along. I probably danced a little too. And disturbed the serious studying of serious students (because you must be very serious and doing something very serious to be in the library at quarter-to-ten on a Saturday nigh, seriously!).

So, here it is. I am sorry.

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Hope everyone enjoys the rest of Spring Break! See you in a few days!


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