Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hot Topics & Dry Documents

Do you ever feel like reading the federal budget? Do you want to know EVERYTHING that's contained in the Stimulus Bill? Worried about Afghanistan? Nervous about flu pandemics?

Have we got a resource for you!

Tom Karel (above), Collection Development Librarian and government documents guru, maintains a web page containing a section of noteworthy and timely government reports called, Hot Topics & Current Issues.

Recent additions include:

Be sure to check Hot Topics & Current Issues frequently for more essential reading.

And contact our Gov Guru, Tom Karel by email or phone at or 717.291.3845 for all your Gov Doc needs!

Friday, March 20, 2009

F&M 360

Standing on top of the rusty bridge, taking a 360 view of all the activity taking place at the former Armstrong property. New athletic fields to the west, and LGH(?) activity to the east.

You can take your own 360 with our resources from All Around the World!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Irv, our Lucky Library Leprechaun!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

By the numbers...

A few fun facts & figures from the Spring term...

- 402,799 - pages printed in the Library and Martin Workroom
- 39,435 - pages deleted by GoPrint, that would have been wasted
- 70,354 - Library homepage visits (counted once per browser session)
- 1,029 - items added to Library collections, with the 2009 pub year
- 192 - students in Shad-Fack the night of March 10, busiest so far
- 14 - brand new recycling units added in Shadek-Fackenthal
- 1 - new roof added to Shad-Fack (maybe we'll leak a little less!)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Celebrating Scholarship

The 7th Annual event was held March 5 in the Shadek-Fackenthal Library Academy Room. Sixty professors and professional staff produced 111 pieces over the previous calendar year.

That's A LOT of scholarship!

Here are a few pictures of the celebration.